Read success stories, educational content, articles, and more on the blog.

CarePortal Across America
Discover the growth of CarePortal and its nationwide impact. From churches to agencies, explore how we are meeting urgent needs

Foster Care Prevention: The Financial and Emotional Case for Family Preservation
“It costs more — not just financially, but emotionally—to remove a child than it does to try and keep them

Joanna’s Story of Care-Sharing with CarePortal
Joanna’s journey with CarePortal highlights how technology connects people to real-time needs, turning compassion into action. Learn how CarePortal transforms

Connection in Action: Celebrating $100 Million in Economic Impact
Discover how CarePortal’s recent milestone of crossing $100 million in economic impact reflects real change in communities. Learn about the

Schools fighting the foster care crisis: Woodward Public Schools’ partnership with CarePortal
Discover how districts like Woodward Public School’s are transforming the fight against the foster care crisis through their partnership with

A community approach to stronger school years
As the back-to-school season approaches, many children face challenges due to unmet needs. CarePortal offers a community-driven approach to ensure