Platform Pricing
Explore the cost to access CarePortal and start maximizing your impact today.
Explore the cost to access CarePortal and start maximizing your impact today.
There is no cost for churches, businesses, community groups, and individuals to join CarePortal and respond to urgent needs. This is so your carefully reserved funds can go directly toward serving the needs of more children and families in crisis rather than platform user fees.
We engage child-serving professionals to vet and submit needs on behalf of the kids and families they serve. What kind of organization are you affiliated with?
There is no cost for implementing partners to join CarePortal and connect their network of churches, community partners, and more, courtesy of our National Partners!
March 13th
Don’t let the clock run out on this deal: $100
March 13th
at the CarePortal Conference
February 14th
Register for $100 on this special day!
February 14th
Register for $100 on this special day!
Submit needs on behalf of children and families
Pricing is based on county or state-wide implementation. Click ‘sign up’ below to start the enrollment process and a CarePortal representative will contact you to discuss pricing details.
Submit needs on behalf of students
Small school or district with less than 500 students
Medium school or district with with 500 – 15,000 students
Large school or district with 15,000 students
$0.25 per extra student / year
The cost of CarePortal for Pregnancy Resource Centers is just $250 per year.
Submit needs on behalf of families
Less than $3M operating budget
$3M-$6M operating budget
$6M+ operating budget